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Starting From Scratch


It's Mary Beth, tuning in to tell you the next steps of the MBK Journey. Last time, we left off when I discovered there was a need to provide diabetics with comfortable clothing that supports pumps and diabetic devices.

It Begin with an Idea

When we say we "MBK started from scratch" we aren't kidding! It began with an idea...My very first garment was sewn by my mother-in-law using a pattern from JoAnn Fabrics.

Because I did not like the weight of my pump clipped to my pajama bottoms, we modified the garment to have an inside pocket on the top. That shifted the weight of the pump and kept it tucked away, yet with quick access.

With this change, I could quickly drop the pump in the inside of the pajama top. I discovered this was one of the biggest benefits. And... that was that was the start!

Problem Solving

One of the most important things I've learned along this journey is the quote here.

Nothing fixes a problem like action. Consider that your daily motivation to act on things YOU care about.

To stay up to date on the MBK Journey, follow us on social media here: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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